Monthly Archives: June 2008

AE86 Wins @ Rally of Canberra!

Remember Ben Cullen with his Group A Rally TTA Levin coupe Replica we showed you last month? Well at the Rally of Canberra on May 10-11, his trusty little Sprinter took out the F16 Class win! I’ll leave you with his comments after the jump to full summise the weekends trials and tribulations that got them to the top of the podium.


Team Mouse!!

Here you will witness the best AE86 drift team currently still together… The one and only Team Mouse in full flight… man i love the team drift action!! (taken from Drift Tengoku #37)

Initial D Manga Translations

A couple of very keen Initial D fans have been busy at work translating the latest happenings of the Project.D team. Since the conclusion of the Anime’s run of the Fourth Stage, our ’86 driving friend Takumi’s epic saga has been developing into something quite interesting. There was a slow building of momentum back into full swing by the artist Shuichi Shigeno but that has now ended with a whole bunch of newly released editions which in turn have been quickly translated to English.

Check out Issues 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 over at ClubCarisma, while you are there you may notice the rabid translators are also anticipating the release of Issue 37 any day now.