Monthly Archives: September 2009

Something Different: OSTC ’09


With over 300 retro rides parked for a day in the sun, the Old School Toyota Car Club Classic Import Car Show last weekend was a huge hit!  With people coming from all over the Eastern States of the USA, it was surely a day of steel and chrome appreciations with not only Toyotas represented, but also a selection of Datsuns, Mazdas and even a few domestics too!

Go have a look at the variety of rides (including more than a few AE86s!) over @ AEU86 Forums!



Those crazy Poles are at it again! This time turning their attention to the hachiroku and deciding to ditch the 4A-GE in favor of a 4G63 Evolution engine! Not only that, but the entire rear cradle and independent rear suspension setup from an S13 Silvia has also been tucked under the little AE86!  Nuts!

See the entirety of the build up pics and finished images too over at